Hefeweizen Recipe

Hefeweizen (23 Litres)
The German Weissbier (wheat beer) is an excellent style for home brewers to emulate because many commercial versions are presented with yeast in suspension, “mit hefe”, the same as naturally conditioned beer made at home! This recipe is about as simple as it gets and suitable for those looking to make a Weissbier in accordance with German law - wheat content should be at least 50% of the total grist. The suggested yeast tends to throw classic wheat beer characteristics such as phenolic, clove and banana - for many, an acquired taste. To soften these characters, ferment at the lower end of the temperature range or use the yeast supplied with the kit.
- 1 x 1.7kg Thomas Coopers Preachers Hefe Wheat
- 1kg Thomas Coopers Wheat Malt (2/3 of a 1.5kg can)
- 1 x Fermentis WB-06 Yeast or wheat yeast of your choice
- 1 x 250g Dextrose Corn Sugar or Carbonation Drops
- Colour: Gold
- Body: Medium
- Bitterness: Medium/Low
- Approx. Alcohol Level: 4% ABV
- Naturally Carbonated: Natural

STEP 1: Mix
In a clean and sanitised fermenting vessel, mix the contents of the Preachers' Hefe Wheat and 1kg of Wheat Malt Extract (remaining extract can be sealed and placed in the fridge for later use) together with 2 litres of hot water. Add cold water up to the 20 litre mark and stir vigorously. Check the brew temperature and top up to the 23 litre mark with warm or cold water (refrigerated if necessary) to get as close as possible to 22C. Sprinkle on the dry yeast and fit the lid.

STEP 2: Brew
Try to ferment at 18C - 24C (higher ferment temp will produce more wheat beer aromas). Fermentation has finished once the specific gravity is stable over 2 days.

STEP 3: Bottle
We recommend the use of PET bottles or reusable glass bottles designed for storing beer. Bottle the brew using 2 carbonation drops per 740ml-750ml bottle (that is a priming rate of 8g per litre) or a slightly higher priming rate (9g per litre) may be used in accordance with this style. Store the bottles at or above 18C for the first week. Allow to condition for at least 4 weeks in the bottle.

STEP 4: Enjoy!
The final alcohol content should be approximately 4% ABV.
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