Orchard Brezeen Instructions

It is essential that you follow the instructions in the right order for fruit wines. Failure to do so can potentially result in unsuccessful wine.

For some wine styles, you may be supplied multiple packages of the same ingredient (e.g. yeast, bentonite, oak, fining agent).

Wine Kit Includes:

  • Wine Base - unlabeled large bag consisting of grape juice concentrate
  • Fruit Flavour Pack
  • Yeast Pack
  • Package 1 Bentonite — helps yeast activity and clears wine by removing proteins
  • Package 2A Sulphite
  • Packet 2B Potassium Sorbate — used as an anti-microbial agent to prevent re-fermentation
  • Fining AgentsKieselsol and Chitosan (2 packages) — removes proteins, which results in a clear stable wine.

Equipment required:

If you do not have any equipment to start making your own wine, you can buy all the needed equipment at once. If you want to save your time and money this Starter Kit will be ideal for you. You will need:

Primary Fermentor:A food grade plastic container calibrated to 23 L/6 US gal. With optional holes on the lid set for #6.5 Rubber Stoppers. See our Fermentation Equipment

Carboy: A glass or plastic carboy to hold 23 L/6 US gal and will fit a fermentation lock and stopper(#6.5 for glass carboys and #10 for plastic).

Racking Tube & Tubing: Approximately 6 ft. long flexible, food grade tubing with a rigid plastic siphon rod. Check our Equipment for Tranfering

Fermentation Lock & Stopper: Fits into the carboy, and is half-filled with water or sterilizing solution. Allows CO, to escape and prevents oxygen and spoilage organisms from entering the wine.

Hydrometer & Test Jar: Used to check specific gravity of your wine at different stages of the fermentation process.

Wine Bottles & Wine Corks : 30 x 750 ml./26 oz. See all bottling options

Wine Corker to seal the bottles with the wine corks

Solid Bung: Fits into the carboy. Prevents oxygen and spoilage organisms from entering the wine. Use once wine is fully degassed.

Sodium Metabisulphite and/or aseptox for sanitizing anything the wine touches.

STAGE 1 - Primary Fermentation - DAY 1:

Before you begin, the importance of cleaning and sanitation in the winemaking process can not be stressed enough. Everything that touches your wine (all equipment) must be cleaned and then sanitized with a recognized sanitizing solution. Just as important is thoroughly rinsing off all equipment after the sanitation procedure. Please use the
following instructions as outlined taking care to measure the specific gravity. This allows the wine to guide you when to proceed to the next step as all fermentations are slightly different.

We strongly recommend not topping up at any stage or step to ensure a properly balanced wine.

  • Clean and sanitize Primary Fermenter, Lid, Wine Thief, Test Cylinder & Spoon. Make sure everything is well-rinsed before you begin.
  • Add 4 litres of warm water (20-30°C/68-86°F) to the Primary Fermenter. Stirring constantly, slowly add Pkg. #1 Bentonite to water until dispersed.
  • Empty contents of Concentrate Bag into mixture in Primary Fermenter.
  • Rinse Bag with hot water and add to Primary Fermenter.
  • Add cool water to Primary Fermenter up to the 23 litre
    (5 imp gal/6 US gal) mark. Check to make sure the water temperature in Primary Fermenter is between 20-25°C/70-80°F. Stir vigorously.
  • Using the wine thief, fill the test cylinder. Record specific gravity (S.G.). For a mist wine it should be 1.050-1.060.
  • Sprinkle yeast over the surface of the juice. Do not stir.
  • Place cover (or lid with Airlock and Rubber Bung) onto
    Primary Fermenter. If Airlock and bung are used, fill the Airlock half-full of water or mild sulphite solution.
  • Place Primary Fermenter in a warm (18-22ºC/65-72ºF) raised area about 3-4 feet high where it will be undisturbed.

Within 2 days the wine will show signs of fermentation (bubbling or foaming). 

STAGE 2 - Stabilizing & Clearing - DAY 14:

  • Clean and sanitize Siphon Assembly, Primary bucket or 23L (6 US Gal) carboy and Long Handled Spoon. Make sure everything is well rinsed before you begin.
  • Siphon 2L of wine from the primary and reserve.
  • Continue siphoning remainder of wine into the sterilized primary bucket or 23L (6 US gal.) carboy. Do not disturb the sediment (called “lees” in winemaking terms) during this racking. Discard sediment.
  • Add Pkg. #2A Sulphite to the wine and stir vigorously.
  • Add Pkg. #2B Potassium Sorbate (if your kit contains 2 packages add both) to the wine and stir vigorously.
  • If your wine kit includes finishing blend or sweetening blend, please refer to label instructions and add now.
  • Important: Degas wine vigorously for 5 minutes by stirring with the handle of a spoon or with a wine agitator. Insufficient stirring will prevent the wine from clearing adequately.
  • Add ONE Packet D1 (Kieselsol) to wine and stir gently for 1 minute.
    Wait 5 minutes and then add D2 (Chitosan) and stir gently. If your
    wine kit contains a second D1 (Kieselsol), add 2nd package now and stir gently. Important: Do not reverse the order of Kieselsol and Chitosan.
  • Top up with reserved wine to within two inches of the airlock. Attach bung and airlock.
  • Let wine stand until Day 28 in an elevated cool area (15-19ºC/59-66ºF).

STAGE 3 - Bottling & Corking - DAY 28:

Only crystal clear wine is suitable for bottling. If wine is cloudy, wait an additional few days for wine to clear. This wine contains residual sugar so it is recommended that you filter your wine prior to bottling. This will significantly reduce the probability of renewed fermentation in the bottle.

  • Clean and sanitize the Primary Fermenter, Siphon Assembly and Wine Bottles. Make sure everything is well-rinsed before you begin.
  • Siphon the wine into Primary Fermenter. (Filtering recommended)
  • Siphon the wine into Wine Bottles, leaving an inch from estimated bottom of inserted Cork.
  • Insert Corks using proper corking machine.
  • Keep Wine Bottles upright for 1 day. Then age Wine Bottles on their sides to keep Corks moist.